Home WSLM NEWS Breaking News Roadwork on I-65 between Scottsburg and Seymour resumes Wednesday

Roadwork on I-65 between Scottsburg and Seymour resumes Wednesday

Construction along Interstate 65 between Seymour and Scottsburg will resume tomorrow morning (NOV. 19) at 6 a.m.  The Indiana Department of i65-southbound-road-work
Transportation advises motorists of these lane closures:


  • Northbound I-65 left lane at mile marker 28.5—through Friday at 1 p.m.
  • Northbound I-65 left lane at mile marker 40.0—through Friday at 1 p.m.
  • Southbound I-65 left lane at mile marker 42.0—through Friday at 1 p.m.
  • Southbound I-65 left lane at mile marker 31.0—through Friday at 1 p.m.


John R. Jurgensen Company is the state’s prime contractor for INDOT’s $54.7 million project to repair and repave 21 miles of I-65 and refurbish 20 bridges between Scottsburg and Seymour.  Construction activities are expected to continue through the end of the month.
A 45 mph speed limit will be enforced where construction crews are present.
For highway information, monitor social media sites: www.Facebook.com/INDOTSoutheast and Twitter @INDOTSoutheast.  Verify travel plans at TrafficWise:  http://www.trafficwise.in.gov.