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38th Annual Holiday Home Tour Allows “Appropriate Voyeurism” of Old Louisville’s Victorian Homes


OLD LOUISVILLE, KY — The country’s most extensive collection of Victorian mansions and picturesque homes will be on display at the 38th Annual Old Louisville Holiday Home Tour. Homeowners in eight private residences and three other businesses housed in Victorian mansions invite you and yours inside their residences to get a unique glimpse of life from a bygone era. This year’s tour will be held Saturday, December 6th, and Sunday, December 7th, from noon to 6:00 pm both days. The tour takes place all within a small radius of Central Park.10639707_653458998107976_1622161926833345194_n

“We’re really excited about the walkability of this year’s tour,” said Jason Scott, event chair and vice president of the Old Louisville Neighborhood Council (OLNC). “The entire neighborhood has so much to offer, but focusing on the gem we have in Central Park is making it very special this year.”

This event is an absolute must for architecture buffs and holiday enthusiasts alike. Along with the eight private residences, the tour includes a stop at a Bed & Breakfast, the Woman’s Club of Louisville and the Conrad-Caldwell House Museum. The OLNC is particularly excited to feature these stops because they’re in close vicinity to Central Park, an Olmsted designed park that celebrates its 110th anniversary this year.

Holiday Home Tour tickets are $25 in advance if purchased before 5 pm Friday, December 5th, or $30.00 day of the tour.

The Holiday Home Tour is a primary fundraiser for the Old Louisville Neighborhood Council and the Old Louisville Information Center in Central Park, and supports its mission of promoting and improving the Old Louisville neighborhood. Tickets can be purchased online at www.oldlouisvilleholidayhometour.org or by calling 502-635-5244.

The Old Louisville Neighborhood Council is a 501(c)(4) non-profit association incorporated in 1976 to serve as the recognized voice for the neighborhood and its 13 associations. The Council meets regularly to discuss important issues within the community; keeping of the streets, yards and public areas; participation in local charity and public works events; crime & safety and preservation district compliance; and other various items that come up from time to time. For more information about the Old Louisville neighborhood associations contact the Old Louisville Information Center at 502-635-5244, or by email at olnc@bellsouth.net.