The holiday season is officially into full swing as the rush of purchasing gifts, decorating homes, sending out season greetings and attending holiday parties is in high gear. One person that is sure to find their name on your Christmas shopping list is your child’s teacher. Teachers are one of the hardest people to buy for but one of the people you most want to find the perfect gift for that says thank you for what they do for your child each day.
Home baked goods, candles, lotions and other goodies fill the desks of teachers across the county each year. While all these gifts are certainly welcomed and greatly appreciated, what if you could give a gift that continued to give each year? Youth First of Washington County would like to suggest that in lieu of these many treasures, you consider making a donation to the Dr. Eddie Apple Family Youth Development Fund at the Washington County Community Foundation in honor of your child’s teacher.
Dr. Apple’s Fund was started at the Washington County Community Foundation to ensure that there would always be funding and resources committed to the positive development of our youth here in Washington County.
Home baked goods, trinkets and the many other treasures will come and go but a donation to Dr. Apple’s fund will last forever and will ensure that there is always a source of positive support for our youth in the years to come—so skip those Black Friday crowds, and get the gift that keeps on giving!
Upon making a donation, a Christmas Certificate will be sent to the teacher of your choice notifying them that an undisclosed amount has been donated to Dr. Apple’s fund in their honor by your student. Your gift is tax deductible and you will receive an acknowledgement letter from the Washington County Community Foundation upon receiving your donation.
Much like Dr. Apple’s fund, our goal is to make a positive lifelong impact on the youth we work with each day.