Home WSLM NEWS Breaking News Orange County Couple Stabbed During Early Morning Home Invasion, Two Subjects Wanted...

Orange County Couple Stabbed During Early Morning Home Invasion, Two Subjects Wanted for Questioning


A West Baden Springs couple is in critical condition this morning as a result of an early morning home invasion.

Indiana State Police believe two Around 2:45 this morning, Orange County dispatch received a 911 call from Robert Meehan, 54, West Baden Springs, requesting medical assistance after being stabbed in his home at 942 Main Street. Upon arrival, French Lick Police observed Robert and Donna Meehan, 62, both suffering from stab wounds. user33681-1417705518-media1 (640x480)Investigators believe that two males, wearing hooded sweatshirts and masks, entered the residence through a bathroom window on the north side of the home, and confronted the Meehan’s, demanding money and medications.

After Mr. Meehan refused to comply with the suspect’s requests, he was stabbed in the abdomen and leg. Mrs. Meehan was then stabbed in the neck. Both suspects exited the residence and left the area in a vehicle.

Mr. and Mrs. Meehan were transported to Indiana University Health of Paoli, and were subsequently taken to the University of Louisville Hospital in Louisville, Kentucky for treatment. Mr. Meehan is listed in stable condition, while Mrs. Meehan was released this morning after treatment.

Investigators are currently looking for two suspects and a vehicle they are believed to be traveling in. The suspects are Tanner Stickney, a 20 year old white male, and Cody Lake, a 21 year old white male. Both are believed to be traveling in a silver 2002 Pontiac, with a printed sticker saying “Grand Prix” or “Grand Am” in the back window. The two were last seen at the Wal-Mart in Bloomington this morning. Anyone with information regarding this case is asked to contact the Jasper Post of the Indiana State Police by calling 1-812-482-1441.

The Indiana State Police is being assisted by the French Lick Police Department and the Orange County Sheriff’s Department.