Home WSLM NEWS Local News INDOT to begin treating state roads tonight

INDOT to begin treating state roads tonight


Indiana Department of Transportation’s Seymour District has scheduled drivers to pre-treat state highways and interstates in southern Indiana overnight tonight in response to forecasts calling for falling pavement temperatures that could result in slick roads by morning.


Brine trucks will be dispatched at midnight from INDOT subdistrict facilities at Falls City (Sellersburg) and Madison.  They will pre-treat bridges, ramps, hills and other potentially hazardous areas.  A semi tanker will brine all lanes of Interstate 65 south of Seymour.

INDOT officials remind motorists:  the faster you go, the longer it takes to stop.  Brake early, brake slowly and allow plenty of space between you and the vehicle ahead.  If you have anti-lock brakes, press down and hold; if not, gently pump the brake pedal.  Do not use cruise control where roads could be slick.

For highway information and updates, follow INDOT at http://facebook.com/INDOTSoutheast and http://twitter.com/INDOTSoutheast, or access INDOT’s TrafficWise Traveler Information Service at http://indot.carsprogram.org.