Indiana State Police arrested a woman caught stealing prescription medications from three Jasper residences.
Erica J. Vancleave, 38, of Jasper, has been charged with theft, a Class A Misdemeanor.
On December 4, Trooper Brock Werne began an investigation after receiving a complaint from the homeowner at 1305 West 15th Street, Jasper. The homeowner said that, on two occasions, he had returned home to find that prescription medications had been taken. Both incidents had occurred after the housekeeper had cleaned the residence.
After gathering information and evidence in the case, officers met today with Vancleave and found that she had a quantity of the stolen pills in her purse.
Vancleave was arrested and charged with Theft.
Further investigation by officers after her arrest unveiled that Vancleave had taken medications from two additional Jasper homes that she performed cleaning services in.
The Indiana State Police would like to remind and encourage homeowners who have prescription medications that they no longer need or use to safely dispose of those medications.
Please visit the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration’s website athttp://www.deadiversion.usdoj.