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SMS Girls Empowerment Program Gives To Seniors


Thursday afternoon, a group of young ladies  from the Salem Middle School presented blankets they made in the 4H Girls Empowerment Program to Activity Director Robin Hodson of the Salem Crossing. The blankets will be used as gifts to residents who won’t be getting any Christmas presents.

Pictured are, from left, Megan Broughton, Amber Will, Gabby Romage, Salem Crossing Activity Director Robin Hodson, Dana Sorrels and Lisa Batchelor.

Under the direction of 4H Extension Educator Megan C. Broughton, the girls are learning to care more for others than themselves.

In fact, for the holiday season, they were planning on making blankets for others for Christmas. Last Friday, Broughton was a guest on WSLM’s COFFEE CLUB along with guest co-host Robin Hodson of the Salem Crossing.

Broughton explained the GEP was expanding out from the school into the community and looking to partner with a business or group. Hodson said the Salem Crossing residents would love to have the blankets as gifts.

“No resident at Salem Crossing will go without a present at Christmas,” said Hodson. “This is a great program and it’s wonderful for these students to learn to care for others.”

Pictured are, from left, Megan Broughton, Amber Will, Gabby Romage, Salem Crossing Activity Director Robin Hodson, Dana Sorrels and Lisa Batchelor.