Home WSLM NEWS Local News Eagle Watch at Patoka Lake on Jan. 10

Eagle Watch at Patoka Lake on Jan. 10


Feel the wind of an eagle’s wings while experiencing the world of eagles in Indiana with indoor & outdoor programs at Patoka Lake Nature Center on Saturday, January 10th.

Featured will be a resident bald eagle and other live raptors.

Dana Reckelhoff, DNR Patoka Lake Interpretive Naturalist, will share the life and story of these amazing birds of prey.

Join Todd Eubank, Patoka Lake Wildlife Specialist and his team on a driving tour to hot spots for eagle viewing.

Guest presenter Rex Watters, DNR Wildlife Specialist of Monroe Lake, will share his experiences during the 1980s Eagle Reintroduction Program and interesting information about eagles found in your part of the state.

Light snacks and refreshments will be provided. Participants can also bring a sack lunch.

Kid’s activities and crafts will be available from 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Pre-registration is required with a $5/ person program fee. Participants 5 years of age and younger attend at no charge.

Dress for the weather and don’t forget to bring binoculars, spotting scopes, and cameras.

Have vehicles fueled for the driving tour.

For more information regarding this event, call the Patoka Lake Nature Center at (812) 685-2447.ARCHIVE:  Home and Farm W09 cc'd