Home WSLM NEWS Breaking News Chase Through County Ends in Arrest of Local Man

Chase Through County Ends in Arrest of Local Man


A Washington County man was arrested Sunday evening after leading officers from three counties on a high speed chase beginning in Edwardsville and ending near Fredericksburg.

In custody is Shannon Martin, 37, State Road 135 South. He was arrested and taken to Floyd County Jail where he is awaiting sentencing.


According to Washington County Chief Deputy Sheriff Roger Newlon, the Floyd County Sheriff’s Department responded to a burglar alarm at a pharmacy in Edwardsville on Saturday night.  There was a broken window at the pharmacy and no suspect nearby.

Newlon said the burglar alarm went off again last night and Floyd County Deputy Joel White was just a few seconds away and responded.

According to Newlon, White observed Martin standing in front of the pharmacy holding an axe attempting to break out the window. When White pulled up, Martin dropped the axe and drove off into Western Floyd County and into Harrison County.

Martin entered Washington County and drove on Martinsburg Fire Road to get to State Road 135. He drove from Big Springs Road onto Horner’s Chapel and to US 150.

“Brad Naugle was driving in the Beck’s Mill area trying to stay parallel with the chase,” said Newlon. “He got ahead to Fredericksburg and deployed his stop sticks. Martin drove over those and flattened one tire and was finally stopped around Fredericksburg.”

Newlon said officers from the Indiana State Police and the Harrison County Sheriff’s Department assisted with the chase along with Floyd and Washington County deputies.

During the chase, White left Big Springs Road and totaled his vehicle, although he was not injurred.

Stay tuned to WSLM RADIO for more information on this and other stories.