Home WSLM NEWS Local News Three Indiana farm leaders elected to national positions

Three Indiana farm leaders elected to national positions


Indiana Farm Bureau President Don Villwock has been re-elected to the board of directors of the American Farm Bureau Federation.

The election was held during AFBF’s 96th annual meeting, held Jan. 13 in San Diego, California. Villwock represents the Midwest Region on the board, which helps guide the nation’s largest farm organization.


“I am honored to be re-elected to the AFBF board and to represent Indiana farmers at the national level,” said Villwock, who farms near Edwardsport with his wife, Joyce.

Isabella Chism, INFB’s second vice president, was elected to her first term as vice chair of the AFB Women’s Leadership Committee. The committee works to highlight the important role of women in agriculture by engaging and encouraging Farm Bureau involvement from all women involved in agriculture. Isabella and her husband, Kent, farm near Kokomo with two of their grown children.

Deb Walsh, who represents District 1 on INFB’s Women’s Leadership Committee, was elected to the AFB committee as a representative of the Midwest Region. Deb and her husband, Jim, farm near Rochester.

The year-round Our Food Link program is one avenue of outreach the AFB Women will be focusing on this year. Another is the Women in Ag Survey (http://womeninag.questionpro.com/), which remains open for submissions until Feb. 20 and will help Farm Bureau gauge the needs and aspirations of women in agriculture.