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Remaining in Stranded Vehicle Generally Safest Option; Continue to Wear Seat Belts


In partnership with the Indiana Department of Homeland Security the Indiana State Police is sharing this important weather related message.

With difficult travel expected in southern Indiana from Sunday night into Monday, motorists should consider if travel is necessary and prepare accordingly.635519387600350660-storm

If travelers are involved in a crash or slide-off, encounter vehicle trouble, become stuck in the snow or otherwise have to stop during a car trip, it’s important to stay calm and remain in the vehicle. A vehicle is nearly always the best protection stranded motorists have from the wind and snow. Continue wearing seat belts, which can offer protection in the event of a collision after becoming stranded.

Drifting snow can make it difficult for other drivers to see anyone standing on or near roads. Leave traffic direction and other assistance to public safety professionals. “Certainly, if it’s a life-threatening situation, someone may need help,” said John Erickson with IDHS. “In general, however, it’s best to stay with your vehicle.”

Below freezing temperatures and the wind can create a dangerous situation where frostbite can occur in about 30 minutes or less. Stay in the vehicle and run the engine every hour for about 10 minutes to stay warm. Make sure the tailpipe is clear of snow or other blockage before running the engine to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning. Turn the headlights on when running the engine, so the vehicle can be seen.

Only leave a stranded vehicle if there is better shelter nearby that can be reached safely.

Drivers should slow down and move over for stranded motorists as well as emergency vehicles and snow plows.