The Indiana Department of Transportation is maintaining mobility this morning—but it’s a “Slow-Go”.
Plow trucks are methodically pushing snow off southern Indiana highways. All snow routes are being serviced. Because it takes at least two hours to plow a route, snowfall is re-covering lanes before INDOT trucks re-run their routes.

WSLM measured 2.5 inches at the broadcast studios in Salem. Some areas have reported more and some less.
The predicted winter snow was to have began dropping snow about 7p last night but snow in many places didn’t begin to fall until 3a.
According to one snow-op manager, “It’s a dry snow, very drive-able if people take their time.
“We’re using plows, not salt, because we want to keep the pavement dry. Wet pavements would cause the snow to stick. Ice would be a problem. Right now, the dry snow is easy to plow. There’s just a lot of it.”
INDOT will maintain its full call-out of plow truck drivers in southern Indiana until conditions allow curtailed operations. At noon, a full contingency of fresh drivers will replace those who have been on the roads since midnight last night.
For updates, monitor INDOTSoutheast and INDOTSoutheast, or access INDOT’s TrafficWise Traveler Information Service at