Home WSLM NEWS Local News S.R. 60 Public Hearing Postponed To Next Wednesday

S.R. 60 Public Hearing Postponed To Next Wednesday

Inclement weather and concern for safety has prompted the Indiana Department of Transportation to postpone its public hearing for proposed State Road 60 intersection improvements at East St. Joe Road and West St. Joe Road.
The hearing had been scheduled for this evening at Silver Creek High School.  It will now be conducted next Wednesday, February 25, at 6 p.m. in the school’s cafeteria.
Silver Creek High School is located at 557 Renz Avenue in Sellersburg.
Public hearings allow interested persons to make on-the-record comments about preliminary design plans.  Hearings act as a legal instrument for recording concerns that businesses and residents have about projects while they are still in the developmental stage.  Verbal statements become a part of each project’s environmental study and are taken into consideration before projects move forward.   
Written comments may also be submitted for up to two weeks after next Wednesday’s public hearing.  They should be addressed to:  Public Hearings, Indiana Government Center North, Room N642, 100 N. Senate Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46204.
INDOT’s proposed project would widen S.R. 60 and the bridge spanning Elk Run between the two St. Joe Road intersections.  It includes right and left turn lanes on S.R. 60 and at both legs of S.R. Joe Road.  The intent is to greatly improve through-traffic flow between the intersections.
Documents and preliminary plans can be viewed at:


  • Hearings Examiner, Room N642, Indiana Government Center North, 100 North Senate Avenue, Indianapolis.
  • Planning & Programming Department, Indiana Department of Transportation Seymour District office, 185 Agrico Lane, Seymour.
  • Charlestown Clark County Library, Sellersburg Branch, 430 North Indiana Avenue,   Sellersburg.