Interested in shooting, hunting, firearm safety, and meeting new friends? If so and you are in grades 3-12, then the 4‐H Shooting Sports Program is for you. The first session will be held on Tuesday, March 3.
It will be held at 7:00 p.m. in the 4-H Building at the Washington County Fairgrounds. All interested youth and a parent or guardian should plan to attend and pay their Shooting Sports club dues of $10/person or $15/family.
4‐H Shooting Sports is a county‐wide 4‐H club with it’s own officers and dues. The purpose of this club is to make young people as safe as possible around firearms; promote leadership, friendship, self‐control andlearning; and to help them to work and play together.
Coordinator of the program is Paul Branaman. Instructors include: Mark Nantz, David Day, Randall Bills, Don Bieghler, Tim and Lisa Rose.
Participants will be able to choose which discipline (pistol, rifle, archery, shotgun) they want to participate in.
4-H Shooting Sports will meet on Tuesday evenings, March 3 through April 28. These sessions will be held from 7-9 p.m. in the 4-H building at the Washington County Fairgrounds. In addition to the regular Shooting Sports sessions, monthly outdoor 22 shoots are also being planned for spring and summer.
Anyone interested in joining Shooting Sports who has not already enrolled in 4-H must do so prior to March 3. A paper 4-H enrollment form can be filled out and turned in at the Purdue Extension – Washington County office, along with the $20 4-H enrollment fee.
If you would like more information about the Washington County 4‐H Shooting Sports Program, contact Purdue Extension – Washington County office at 812-883-4601.