Home WSLM NEWS Local News Kentuckiana Red Cross Manager is 2014 National Representative of the Year

Kentuckiana Red Cross Manager is 2014 National Representative of the Year

Joseph Conder, the Red Cross Account Manager and Donor Recruitment Rep in the Southern Indiana and Louisville area for the past 7 years received the 2014 National Representative of the Year award.unnamed (800x629)
Condor expresses the constant mindset that donors and patients are our #1 priority, and he works countless hours educating the public on the importance of our mission.
His goal each day is to provide excellent customer service, closely followed by fun and creating “smiles for everyone,” he said.
Joe takes ownership of the entire blood program in his territory. He successfully met 122 percent of his annual goal with 100 percent drive efficiency. Joe has been in his current territory for 16 months, and after the 30-day transition period, he has met goal every month. Joe spends most Sundays at churches, educating people on the importance of blood donation. Subsequently, he has grown his APO from 28.6 to 32.3 units, collecting an additional 325 faith-based units without additional operations.
He has helped penetrate accounts in the Indiana Blood Center’s territory and successfully collected 208 units from first-time sponsors that previously donated to the competition. In addition, he grew his joint accounts shared by the competitor by 498 units in FY14.
As a team player, Joe successfully helps cover vacant territories while maintaining his territory’s productivity, and he helped ensure an additional 1,104 units of blood were collected outside of his normal job expectations. He also helps train new  representatives, going on ride-alongs when needed and attending sales calls.