Home WSLM NEWS Local News Salem Rotary Club Daddy Daughter Dance this Saturday

Salem Rotary Club Daddy Daughter Dance this Saturday


Tickets to the Salem Rotary Club’s Daddy Daughter Dance are now on sale.

The event is scheduled for this Saturday, Feb. 28  at Southern Hills Church from 6-8 p.m.

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The theme for the evening is based on the movie Frozen, “An Enchanted Evening.”

Tickets are $25 for a couple and $5 for each additional daughter that attends.

The event will be held from 6-8 p.m. and during the evening there will be music and dancing, refreshments and door prizes.

In addition, each couple will receive a 5X7 photo to commemorate the date.

Proceeds from the dance will benefit Relay for Life and CASA.

Tickets can be purchased at Loy & Fordyce, Country Cookin’, Old National Bank, or by contacting your local Rotarians.