Entries are now being accepted for the upcoming 47th annual Orleans Dogwood Festival Parade set for Saturday, May 2nd beginning at 12 Noon. Categories include floats, political, walking, equestrian, classic and/or antique vehicle, bands etc.
The hometown parade will start from the Orleans High School, located on the north end of town. The school traditionally serves as the staging area for the event. Line up begins at 9 a.m. and continues up until 11 a.m. Judging of units begins at approximately 11 a.m.
The Parade travels down Maple St (SR 37 S.) and through the historic downtown area.
Entry forms may be obtained by visiting the dogwood festival websitewww.orleansdogwoodfestvial.com Entry forms also will be available from TheOrleans Progress Examiner, The Orleans Library and Orleans Town offices.