Cooks of all ages, from all areas are invited to enter the contest. Contestants may enter their baked goods between 10:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. at the old bank building (across the railroad.
All entries will be auctioned off Saturday afternoon at 3:15 p.m. following the announcement of winners for the coloring contest, baking contest, and photography contest.
. No late entries will be accepted. Judging will take place at 12 noon.
Fruit Pies (both crust and filling must be made from scratch, no canned filling)
Drop Cookies (made from scratch)
Yeast Breads/Rolls (made from scratch)
1. Contestants should enter a whole cake, pie, or loaf of bread; or a baker’s dozen (13)
2. All entries must be presented in disposable containers and covered with clear plastic wrap.
3. Entries must not require refrigeration.
4. Filling, frosting, glazing, pie filling and meringue, whether cooked or uncooked, are not permitted to contain cream cheese, whipped cream, unpasteurized milk or raw eggs/egg whites (pasteurized eggs or eggs cooked to 160 degrees F may be used). Home canned fruits are not permitted. Contestants should carefully wash their hands and make sure that their hands do not have any open cuts before preparing foods.
5. Recipes should list which ingredients were used in each part of the entry (including piecrust and frosting) and are to be printed on an 81/2 x 11 sheet of paper.
6. Contestant’s names are not to be on either the entry or the recipe.
7. Each contestant may enter only one item in each category, but are welcome to enter all
8. No recipe, container, or entry will be returned.
9. Failure to comply with the above rules will result in points being deducted for each violation. K & E Market in Campbellsburg will be sponsoring the event. The first place entry in each category will receive a $50.00 gift certificate and each second place entry will receive a $25.00 gift
Flyers containing the above information will be available for distribution at K & E. Information can also be obtained by contacting Nancy Miller at 8834935.