It’s time to restock your fish! The Washington County Soil and Water Conservation District will be having a fall fish sale with Andry’s Fish Farm, Birdseye, Indiana. To obtain a fish order form and pricing, call 883-3704 ext. 3.

Orders will be delivered, Thursday, May 7 at 10 a.m. at the USDA Service Center Parking lot, 801 Anson Street, Salem. Please be on time to get your fish or make arrangements with someone to pick up your order. Catfish orders will counted/bagged at delivery site. You will need to bring a clean container to transport catfish to your pond.
Indiana Law (310 IAC 3.1 -10-18) requires the licensed seller, Andry’s Fish Farm, to deliver and release Grass Carp to the pond and document location.
All orders need to be paid for by noon Friday, May 1st. Please remember to include sales tax of 7% on all orders.