Home WSLM NEWS Breaking News Alumni Group Plans June 6 Benefit Concert at SHS

Alumni Group Plans June 6 Benefit Concert at SHS


The Salem Choir Alumni is sponsoring a Concert at Salem High School June 6 to raise scholarship funds for SHS students.

Dubbed “Bohemian Supper Club’s Greatest Hits”, organizers will feature 18+ alumni singers and instrumentalists who have made memorable contributions to

the Choir’s “Bohemian Supper Club” Coffeehouse programs over the last few years.


The Choir Alumni group is chaired by Jennifer Smedley, who states that this project is “a way to give back and help out future graduates of Salem High School that cherished Choir the way we did.”

“With funds raised from this event, we hope to be able to reward future SHS graduates with the SHS Choir Alumni Scholarship each year. One alumnus that we also particularly want to celebrate is Gary Hartsook, which is why proceeds from the show will also go toward the Gary Hartsook Memorial Scholarship Fund.”

Performers for the one-night only event include Jackie Brown, Rachel Carter, Davon Gant, Kellen Hazelip, A’ndrea Hollars, Lexus Hoskins, Zack Hurts, Chris Journell, Greg McCurdy, and Ben Ratts.

Also Ashtynn Ready, Jillian Reed, Amanda Sebastian, Bill Spencer-Pierce, David Spencer-Pierce, Straton Thomas, Zack Turner, Dani Williams, and Smedley.

There will be a 6 pm and a 9 pm show on June 6, and reserved seats go on sale Friday, May 1 at First Savings Bank, Ace Hardware, Highlander Center, and at the SHS Bookstore during school hours (no telephone sales). All seats are $12,

and all proceeds are to be divided between the Gary Hartsook Scholarship Fund and the newly created Salem Choir Alumni Scholarship.

Follow the Salem Choirs at SalemChoirs.org and on Twitter @SalemChoirs. For more information contact Jennifer Smedley at 812.844.0814 or at jnsmedley@gmail.com, or contact Bill Spencer-Pierce at Salem High School.