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Resource Fair for Youth and Family Service Providers


The Indiana Youth Institute (IYI) is organizing a free resource fair for those who work with children.

Youth workers including teachers, counselors and youth ministers will learn more about local organizations that provide programs and services to youth and families in Orange County and the surrounding area. Organizational representatives will speak briefly about their programs and services.


Attendees will have the opportunity to learn more in-depth information about each organization and connect to other community members. There also will be a discussion about the needs of the community and how organizations can collaborate to meet those needs. Organizations are encouraged to bring brochures or flyers and make announcements.

The networking lunch will run from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on May 14 at IU Health Paoli in the Medical Arts Building Classroom, 642 W. Hospital Rd., Paoli, 47454. Attendees should use the lower entrance.

As part of IYI’s Youth Worker Café program, the lunch is free, and food will be served, but reservations are required by May 13. RSVP at www.iyi.org/YWC. Reservations may also be made by contacting IYI Statewide Outreach Manager Debbie Jones via email at djones@iyi.org.