The annual Memorial Day program will be held at the Crown Hill Cemetery on Monday, May 25 beginning at 11a.
The event is open to the public and will be held rain or shine. In the event there is rain, the ceremony will take place at the American Legion.
Legion Commander Pat Rice will serve as Master of Ceremonies, with the Washington County Scouts attending the flag.
“Everyone is urged to attend the program in honor of our fallen comrades,” said Rice.
David Darnell is taking on a new roll this year as chaplain. The Ladies Auxiliaries of the American Legion and VFW will lay the wreaths.
Stewart Boaz will be the speaker.
John Quatroke will provide the roll call of deceased veterans.
Zach McCaslin will provide the drum roll. The Veteran’s of Foreign Wars Post #6636. The American Legion Post #41 and DAV Chapter 72.
Colin and Christian Kemker will be playing tapps again this year.
WSLM RADIO will be providing the sound equipment for the event.
Immediately following the ceremonies, there will be a dinner at the American Legion Post on South Main Street.