Indiana Department of Transportation maintenance personnel plan to chip seal nearly ten miles of State Road 337 south of Corydon and over six miles of S.R. 135 north of New Salisbury this week. Flaggers will be on site to direct motorists around moving worksites.
Weather permitting, INDOT Seymour District crews will be begin placing chip seal materials Monday morning (JUNE 1) on S.R. 337’s northbound lane at its intersection with S.R. 11 south of Dogwood. Work will proceed to Corydon’s south corporate limits. On Tuesday(JUNE 2), crews hope to chip seal S.R. 337’s southbound lane between Corydon and S.R. 11.
The schedule calls for chip sealing S.R. 135 from S.R. 64 at New Salisbury north to Voyles Road on Wednesday (JUNE 3). Chip seal materials will be placed on the southbound lane of S.R. 135 the following day—unless there are weather delays.
INDOT officials advise motorists to drive very slowly and with extreme caution on highways that have been freshly chip sealed to avoid vehicular damage from asphalt spray or loose aggregate.
Both routes will be overcoated with fog seals after chip seal applications have cured.
Chip seals/fog seals are extremely cost-effective. Experience shows that every $1 spent on this kind of surface treatment today saves $6 to $14 in highway expenditures later.
Chip seal applications coat the highway with liquid asphalt—sealing pavement cracks and protecting the roadbed from harmful ultraviolet rays. This extends service life and lowers overall maintenance costs. Small chips of limestone are used to cover the asphalt—choking it from spraying vehicles or sticking to tires. The aggregate chips also restore surface friction for improved skid resistance and driver safety.
Fog seals are fine coatings of liquid asphalt sprayed over the chip sealed surface. The fog seal dampens dust from limestone fines, assists in aggregate retention and adds another waterproof layer of asphalt sealer to further protect the highway.
For area highway information, monitor social media sites: INDOTSoutheast and Twitter @INDOTSoutheast. Verify travel plans at TrafficWise: