Home WSLM NEWS Local News Indiana State Police Jasper Post to Host Blood Drive

Indiana State Police Jasper Post to Host Blood Drive


The Indiana State Police and the American Red Cross are teaming up to host a blood drive on Friday, June 19, 2015, from 1:00 P.M. until 5:00 P.M.

The drive will take place in the parking lot at the Jasper Post, 2209 Newton Street, Jasper, in the American Red Cross Mobile Blood Bus. Those wishing to sign up to give the “gift of life” may click on the link below. Click “Indiana State Police – Jasper” on the left side, and on the next screen, select your donation time and enter your information to register. user33681-1433293678-media1

The Indiana State Police is proud to partner with the American Red Cross to provide this service to the community. On average, every two seconds someone in the United States needs blood, which requires more than 41,000 blood donations each day.

Link to the American Red Cross sign-up form: