Home WSLM NEWS Local News S.R. 446 Closes Next Week At Leatherwood Creek For Bridge Work

S.R. 446 Closes Next Week At Leatherwood Creek For Bridge Work

The Indiana Department of Transportation plans to close the State Road 46 bridge that spans Leatherwood Creek near Heltonville next Thursday (JULY 23) for up to one week.  This will allow INDOT’s contractor to make repairs and apply a thin bridge deck overlay on the 3-span structure. 
Motorists are advised to detour around the closure—which is just south of S.R. 58—via U.S. Highway 50 and S.R. 37.
RAM Construction is the state’s specialty contractor for applying a three-eighths-inch “polycarb” overlay atop this 153-foot-long steel beam structure which measures 44 feet side-to-side.  The polymeric epoxy will be placed in two lifts.  It will seal the deck and extend the service life of the driving surface.  Flint chips are to be mixed with the epoxy to elevate the coefficient of friction for improved safety. 
S.R. 446’s traffic count at Leatherwood Creek is 1,180 vehicles per day.
RAM’s $136,263 rehabilitation contract also calls for placing a thin polymer overlay on the S.R. 446 bridge at Little Salt Creek, north of the Leatherwood Creek site.  That work is tentatively scheduled to begin July 30.  It will require a week-long closure.
For area highway information, monitor social media sites: www.Facebook.com/INDOTSoutheast and Twitter @INDOTSoutheast.  Verify travel plans at TrafficWise:  http://www.trafficwise.in.gov.