Indiana Department of Transportation’s contractor for the $4,216,800 State Road 56 construction project at Salem plans paving operations on High Street next Wednesday (OCTOBER 21), weather permitting. This requires full closure of High Street from State Road 56—including the intersection—to Parkview between the hours of 7 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Access will be provided for school buses, but residents must use alternate routes during Wednesday’s10-hour closure. Officials advise local residents anticipating vehicular travel after 7 a.m. to seek nearby off-site parking Tuesday evening.
Temple & Temple is the state’s contractor for full-depth reconstruction of S.R. 56 through Salem from High Street to Heritage Chapel Road—and repairs with resurfacing in Washington County.
Stay informed. Updated information and a map of the closure are available on the Indiana Department of Transportation TrafficWise service at Roadway information is also available by calling 1-800-261-ROAD (7623) or 511 from a mobile phone. Follow @INDOTSoutheast on Twitter at and on Facebook at