Home WSLM NEWS Breaking News Early Morning Fatality Claims 20 year old driver

Early Morning Fatality Claims 20 year old driver


An early morning fatality claimed the life of a 20-year old Salem man in a one-vehicle crash on State Road 135.

Jayln Isaiah Isaac Horton, Salem, was pronounced dead after emergency personnel worked to remove him from the wreckage for more than 30 minutes.

Monroe Township First Responders and Washington County EMS workers were alerted about 7:50 a.m.

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According to Washington County Deputy Allen Taylor, Horton’s Volkswagon car was travelling southbound on State Road 135 north near Rooster Hill Road.

Witnesses at the scene reported that the vehicle traveled off the left side of the road in the curve before Rooster Hill Road, then traveled down the embankment into a concrete culvert retainer.

At some point the vehicle flipped over and came to a rest on the roof of the vehicle.

According to Washington County Sheriff Roger Newlon early morning frost was not a factor.

Monroe Township Fire, Salem Fire Department and Washington County EMS worked to extricate Horner from the vehicle.

Stat-Flight was called to the scene but was later dismissed.

The Washington County Sheriff’s Department and Coroner’s Office also assisted.

The accident is still under investigation.