Home WSLM NEWS Breaking News Joint Investigation Closes Down Prostitution Shop in Jeffersonville

Joint Investigation Closes Down Prostitution Shop in Jeffersonville


A four month long investigation into allegations of prostitution and racketeering concluded today in Jeffersonville.

user33681-1445622005-media1Arrested and Charged were:

Jason N. Maniloff, 39, of 1806 North Larkspur Drive, Jeffersonville, IN. Charges include – Corrupt Business Influence (Racketeering), Level 5 Felony; Money Laundering, Level 6 Felony; Promoting Prostitution, Level 5 Felony and Invasion of Privacy, Class A Misdemeanor.

Keysha Maniloff, 36, 1806 North Larkspur Drive, Jeffersonville, IN. Charged with – Corrupt Business Influence (Racketeering), Level 5 Felony; Money Laundering, Level 6 Felony; Promoting Prostitution, Level 5 Felony

Desiree E. Fowler, 19, of 242 Bigwood Way, Louisville, KY. Charged with – Promoting Prostitution, Level 5 Felony; Prostitution, Class A Misdemeanor

Shelby D. Jackson, 18, of  2501 South Fourth Street, Louisville, KY. Charged with – Promoting Prostitution, Level 5 Felony; Prostitution, Class A Misdemeanor.

In July, 2015, the Jeffersonville Police Department began an investigation into complaints of acts of prostitution occurring at Artistic Addictions, 1596 East 10th Street, Jeffersonville. Detectives contacted the Special Investigations Section of the Indiana State Police to assist, and began a joint investigation.

Over the course of the next four months, investigators learned that employees posted advertisements within the area, soliciting “body rubs”. The females would arrange a massage appointment with a client to occur at Artistic Addictions, and during the massage, perform a sexual act with the client for a fee.

Investigators also learned that the owners of Artistic Addiction, Jason N. Maniloff, 39, and Keysha Maniloff, 36, Jeffersonville, had not filed taxes for the business through the Indiana Department of Revenue.

This afternoon at 1:00, members of the Indiana State Police, Jeffersonville Police Department, Clark County Sheriff’s Department and Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms executed search and arrest warrants on suspects involved with the case. Jason Maniloff was served with the arrest warrant in the Clark County Jail. Keysha Maniloff, Fowler, and Jackson were all arrested, without incident, by officers in Jeffersonville.

This case remains under investigation.