Home WSLM NEWS Local News Three Vehicle Accident In Smedley Sends 91-year-old to UofL

Three Vehicle Accident In Smedley Sends 91-year-old to UofL


Campbellsburg First Responders, Washington County EMS, the Washington County Sheriff’s Department and Campbellsburg Town Marshall David Nicholson all responded to a three-vehicle crash in Smedley at 6:15am on Wednesday.

According to Deputy Alan Taylor, Harold Elliott, 91, Campbellsburg, was taken by helicopter ambulance to University of Louisville hospital with head trauma.

Elliott was driving a 1997 Dodge Dakota.

James Stalker II, 28, Mitchell, was travelling eastbound on State Road 60 in a 1989 Maroon Toyota pickup, when Elliott pulled out from Smedley Road.

“Stalker tried to swerve around him,” said Taylor. “He couldn’t avoid it.” 11863489_1127805537270035_6241309085739628306_n 12065960_1127805553936700_1154060861711541919_n 12193358_1127805583936697_1158464685709868509_n 12190975_1127805617270027_2676233279764149196_n

Stalker’s vehicle left the road on the north side, drove into a ditch and then crossed 60 to come to a stop on a ridge on the southside.

In a second accident, Terry Pointer, 54, Clarksville, was travelling westbound on 60 and as he approached the accident scene he saw Stalker’s vehicle on the side of the road and looked over.

“I think he was distracted and then hit the rear passenger side of Elliott’s truck,” said Taylor.

Washington County EMS transported both Elliott and Stalker to St. Vincent Hospital where Elliott was flown to Louisville. Stalker was treated for a laceration on his left eye.