Two from Pekin were taken by ambulance to separate hospitals this afternoon after a crash on State Road 135 closed the road for over an hour.
Indiana State Police Trooper Phillip Baker said a Silver Mitsubishi SUV struck the rear-end of a Blue Ford Mercury sedan, flipping the SUV in the middle of the road.
Shannon Hinkle, 35, Pekin, was distracted by her child in the backseat, said Baker. “When she turned around she didn’t have time to stop before impact.”
She was taken by ambulance to Floyd Memorial Hospital. Baker did not know her condition.
Jack Floyd, 83, Pekin, was stopped in the Mercury. He was taken by ambulance to St. Vincent Salem Hospital. Baker said he has a laceration above one eye.
The Salem Wrecker service cleared the scene.
Baker said Hinkle was not on her cell phone.