The Indiana Department of Transportation met with its contractor and utility company representatives this week at INDOT Seymour District offices to schedule operations for replacing the State Road 356 bridge over Woods Fork Creek northeast of Lexington in Scott County.

McAlister Excavating of Patriot is INDOT’s prime contractor for this $1,017,814 project to demolish the existing S.R. 356 bridge located 3.13 miles east of S.R. 203—and replace it with a new 105-foot single-span structure widened to 31½ feet side-to-side.

Construction of the composite pre-stressed concrete bulb-T beam bridge will require a 120-day closure of S.R. 356.  Hardy Mill Road will also close to traffic at the construction site.

The contract calls for the bridge and roads to reopen by November 15.

The S.R. 356 site will be staked and cleared after March 1.  Utilities plan to relocate services away from the construction zone in April, May and June.

Prior to complete closure for demolition and reconstruction at the end of June, flaggers will direct motorists around worksites as needed.  Once closed, a state highway detour will route motorists around the construction site via S.R. 56, S.R. 3 and S.R. 203.

Traffic count at the S.R. 356 Woods Fork Creek bridge is 470 vehicles per day.

Stay informed.  Updated information and a map of the closure are available on the Indiana Department of Transportation TrafficWise service at Roadway information is also available by calling 1-800-261-ROAD (7623) or 511 from a mobile phone.  Follow @INDOTSoutheast on Twitter at and on Facebook at