Home WSLM NEWS Breaking News State Police Respond To Over 350 Cases Due To Snow

State Police Respond To Over 350 Cases Due To Snow


Crashes, Slide Offs, Assist Motorists and Road Closures

Sunday’s winter storm that started around 12 noon Sunday and on through 8 p.m. affected a large portion of the state.  During this time frame the Indiana State Police responded to:

  • 68 Personal Injury Crashes
  • 199 Property Damage Crashes
  • 102 Assist Motorist Calls

According to Washington County Sheriff Roger Newlon, officers had responded to 3-4 slide-offs locally. No injuries were reported.

Fortunately, thus far, the Indiana State Police has not taken any fatality crash reports related to today’s winter storm from 12 noon to 8 p.m.

All motorists are reminded of these important winter weather driving safety tips:

  • Reevaluate the necessity of a trip during a winter storm
  • If you MUST travel, leave early, reduce speed, have a fully charged cell phone as well as a winter emergency travel kit
  • Remember that 4×4 or All Wheel Drive (AWD) vehicles may allow a driver to drive faster in snow and ice, but these vehicles DO NOT STOP ANY FASTER than a 2 wheel drive vehicle
  • Reduce speed and increase following distance
  • Wear Seatbelts
  • If involved in a property damage crash, the participants should, if possible, move their vehicles off the road to a safe place and exchange information.

According to INDOT, the following counties in the WSLM LISTENING AREA are under an advisory driving condition because of the snow and ice – Monroe, Brown, Bartholomew, Martin, Lawrence, Orange, Dubois, Crawford, Washington, Floyd, Jennings, Clark and Jefferson.

Scott County is under a WATCH category, which means that conditions are threatening to the safety of the public. During a “watch” local travel advisory, only essential travel, such as to and from work or in emergency situations, is recommended, and emergency action plans should be implemented by businesses, schools, government agencies, and other organizations.