Celebrate spring with an egg-cellent adventure on the south lawn of the Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site during the 2nd Annual Presidential Egg Roll.
Dress the kids and grandkids in their Easter best and enjoy vintage fun with spirited egg rolling, stories, crafts and a continental breakfast. (Plus, they’ll get to make their own keepsake wooden Easter egg!) And, what egg roll would be complete without a visit with the Easter bunny?
Saturday, March 19 | 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. | Rain or shine
Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site, South Lawn (with some activities inside as well)
1230 N. Delaware St., downtown Indianapolis
$14.95 Member Adults / $12.95 Member Child
$17.95 Non-Member Adult / $15.95 Non-Member Child
REGISTER: Online at PresidentBenjaminHarrison.org or by phone at 317-631-1888. Registration deadline is Thursday, March 17, 2016.