Home WSLM NEWS Local News Media Contest Part Of National Distracted Driving Awareness Month

Media Contest Part Of National Distracted Driving Awareness Month


April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month and the annual Drive Now TXT L8R Social Media Contest is an opportunity for Indiana high school, trade school, and college students to win scholarships, as well as spread the word to “Drive Now, TXT L8R.” Participants have a chance to win up to $5,000 in scholarships.

DriveNowTxtL8R_roundThis year, the contest has undergone a few changes:

All participants need to register their entries and contact information. Registration is open now until April 30, 2016.

Registration is available here. (bit.ly/1Uxlu5s)

Winners will not be selected by “Likes,” but by creativity in this year’s contest. Participants are encouraged to read updated rules carefully at www.txtl8r.in.gov.

The campaign’s new Twitter account, @TXTL8R_IN will offer resources and helpful information during contest. There, participants can find their entries retweeted and join in the cause to keep their peers safe on the roads.

The Drive Now TXT L8R Social Media Contest is run in partnership by the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles, Indiana Criminal Justice Institute, Indiana Department of Labor, Indiana Department of Transportation and the Indiana State Police.

For more information, go to www.txtl8r.in.gov, email txtl8r@bmv.in.gov, or follow @TXTL8R_IN on Twitter.