Home WSLM NEWS Local News Four Jasper Troopers Honored at Awards Ceremony

Four Jasper Troopers Honored at Awards Ceremony


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Four Troopers from the Jasper District were honored this afternoon at an awards ceremony at the Indiana Government Center.

Troopers Michael Allen, Brock Werne, Stephen Sexton, and Jeremy Galloway were presented awards for their service to the State of Indiana.

Trooper Michael Allen was awarded the Bronze Star and a Combat Action Award for his actions on September 4, 2015, in which he was involved in an officer-involved shooting in French Lick. Trooper Allen’s actions involved “personal bravery and self-sacrifice at a level clearly beyond expectations”.

Trooper Brock Werne was awarded a Lifesaving Award for his actions on June 15, 2015. Trooper Werne, while patrolling US 231 between Jasper and Huntingburg, observed a man standing on the bridge. Werne, stopping to ask if the man needed assistance, learned that he was about to jump from the bridge in an attempt to commit suicide. Werne talked to the man, calming him down to the extent that Werne was able to get close enough, grab him, and pull him from the edge of the bridge. Werne was commended for his “extraordinary conduct in saving the life of a fellow human being”.

Trooper Stephen Sexton was awarded as the 2015 Jasper District Trooper of the Year. This award was presented to Trooper Sexton for achieving outstanding enforcement efforts in the areas of traffic and criminal enforcement, case and crash investigations, public information programs and community service; and for exemplifying the professionalism and integrity expected of an Indiana State Trooper.

The O.W.I. Award was presented to Trooper Galloway for his efforts in removing impaired and intoxicated motorists from Indiana’s roadways. Trooper Galloway was awarded for his efforts of arresting 49 impaired drivers in 2015. Trooper Galloway received the top O.W.I. award in 2014 as well.

The actions and dedication to duty of Troopers Allen, Werne, Sexton and Galloway are in keeping with the finest traditions of law enforcement and reflect great credit upon themselves and the Indiana State Police Department.