The 139th Salem High School Alumni Banquet will be held on April 29 at 7p in Brooks Memorial Gym.
Organizer Shirley Nale said the honor classes are 1966, 1991 and 2016.

The speaker for the the 25-year class will be Brent Spicer and the 50-year class will be Louisa O’Donnell Davis.
Tickets are $14 per person and will be on sale until April 23rd and are on sale at LaGene Jewelers and Lincks Clothing.
For group sales of 10 or more wishing to sit together contact Nale at 812.883.2176.
If you’d like to order tickets by mail, send a self-address stamped envelope with a check made to Salem Alumni Association for the correct amount to: Shirley Nale, 786 N. Deer Run Road, Salem, IN 47167 and the tickets will be mailed to you.