Home WSLM NEWS Local News Driver Flown to Louisville After Vehicle Flips

Driver Flown to Louisville After Vehicle Flips


One woman was taken by helicopter ambulance to the University of Louisville hospital this after with non-life threatening injuries after her vehicle flipped over on Brown Lane in Eastern Washington County about 3p Wednesday.

The 2003 Chevy Trailblazer flipped over, trapping her inside and pinning one of her legs, which was partially ejected from the vehicle, underneath.

Salem Firefighters work to remove the victim of a personal injury accident just East of Salem.
Salem Firefighter Greg Zink assesses the accident on Brown Lane.
The vehicle over-corrected and went up an embankment before flipping over.
Salem firefighters Greg Zink, Mike Mead and Max Gamble remove the roof of the 2003 Chevy Trailblazer so EMS workers can get to the victim.
Salem Firefighter Mike Mead works to cut the room off a vehicle this afternoon during an accident to help remove the victim.
EMS and Air Ambulance staff rush Amber Wheeler to the helicopter for a quick ride to University hospital.
This 2003 Chevy Trailblazer flipped over with the driver still inside.

Amber Wheeler, 32, Salem, was trapped for almost an hour while Salem Firefighters cut her out of the vehicle.

According to Washington County Sheriff’s Deputy Brad Naugle, Wheeler was traveling south on Brown Lane when she met another vehicle on a hill crest.

Naugle said Wheeler swerved to the right to miss the vehicle and over-corrected.

She then crossed the road on the left side, went up an embankment. The vehicle flipped on its driver’s side.

“Individuals nearby rendered care to Mrs. Wheeler until emergency personnel arrived,” said Naugle. “They were quick thinking and that makes a difference.”

The other vehicle stopped to help as well.

After Wheeler was removed she was flown from the scene to the University of Louisville hospital for treatment of leg trauma.

Assisting agencies were the Washington County EMS, Sheriff’s Department, Pekin Town Marshall and the Salem Fire Department.