The Future Farmers of America in Washington County are having fundraisers and plant sales this spring.

The West Washington High School FFA chicken BBQ will be Sunday, April 24, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the high school cafeteria.
Greenhouse items will be for sale.
Eastern High School has a greenhouse that opened on April 18th.
The greenhouse is operated by FFA students and is open Monday- Friday 8:30am – 4:00pm and Saturday 8:30am – 11:30 am(April 23 & 30)
6 Packs: $1.75
4 Packs: $1.75
4” Pots: $1.75
10” Hanging Baskets: $13.00
Flats (combination of 8 items): $13.00
Salem’s FFA is having their 3rd annual Plant sale on the following dates:
April 30: 8 am- 2 pm
May 1: 1 pm – 5pm
May 3: 3:30 pm– 5 pm
May 5: 3:30 pm– 5 pm
They will have the following plants for sale:
Broccoli, Cauliflower, Cabbage Assorted Tomatoes, Peppers– Mixed
Bell, Jalapeno, Herbs, Cucumbers, Cantaloupe, Zucchini, Yellow
Squash, Petunia, Snap Dragon, Geranium, Coleus, Vinca, Moon
Flower, Mexican Sun Flower, Black Eyed Susan, Verbena, Sweet Potato Vine, Ferns, Lantana, Zinnia, Spider Plant, Calibrachoa, Mari
golds, Begonia, Verbena, Thunbegia, Salvia, and more….