Home WSLM NEWS News Ticker John Hay to visit Jr. Historical Society May 21

John Hay to visit Jr. Historical Society May 21


The Washington County Junior Historical Society is proud to announce, on Saturday, May 21st, a morning meeting with our namesake, John Milton Hay.

john_hay_400_1Mr. Hay, who was born on our property in 1838, went on to become a great American statesman, diplomat, author and poet, whose political career spanned over 50 years.

He will join us for two performances, given from the back porch of his original birthplace, where he will enlighten everyone on the highlights and low spots of his life and career, and perhaps even read a little of his own poetry.


Performances will be at 10:15am & 11:15am, all Washington County Historical Society members are welcome to join the youth, for an informative and entertaining morning.

The public is also welcome to attend these performances for the regular $2.00 admission to the John Hay Center.