A Salem woman’s husband is back at home after being missing since Saturday.
Phillip Scott, 32, dropped his wife, Tina, off at work last Saturday and that was the last she had seen of him until Wednesday night.
“I’m scared he may be injured or worse,” Tina Scott told WSLM Wednesday morning. “This isn’t like him to disappear. [He has] no health issues, [but he] suffers from depression but didn’t take medicine for it.”
She said the last she knew he was going to help a friend with a flat tire in the forestry.
“He followed him back to PRP in Louisville to make sure he made it and he hung out there for a little bit and left…no one has heard or talked to him since,” she said on Wednesday.
She had notified local and state police in Indiana and Kentucky and had Phillip added to a registry of missing persons.
Wednesday afternoon about 4p, Tina posted on social media that he had been found.
“We have him in our possession. He is with me at this time. I don’t have any details at this moment.”
Last evening, she informed WSLM that he was at home and sleeping.
“I don’t really know details right now,” she wrote in a text message. “I’m gonna let him sleep tonight and prob[ably] take him to hospital tomorrow. [H]e doesn’t remember anything but feeling tired Sat[urday] afternoon and falling asleep then waking up in a strange house somewhere in ky.”
More details as they become available.