Home WSLM NEWS Local News SR 550 Near Shoals to Close for Chip and Seal Operations

SR 550 Near Shoals to Close for Chip and Seal Operations


The Indiana Department of Transportation announces a road closure on State Road 550 near Shoals for chip and seal operations.

Beginning on or around Wednesday, May 11 INDOT Crews will close S.R. 550 between U.S. 50 and U.S. 150. Work will begin at 7 a.m. daily and the closure will be in place around the clock.

downloadChip seal operations are scheduled to conclude by the end of May. During that time, local traffic will have access to the point of closure.

The official detour route uses U.S. 50 and U.S. 150. INDOT urges motorists to slow down and stay alert near crews.

About Chip-Seal Projects

After years of heavy traffic and winter freeze-thaw cycles, small cracks develop in our highways. If left untreated, moisture seeps into these cracks and form potholes when the water freezes and expands. As the name implies, a chip-seal treatment seals off the cracks. The stone chips provide improved traction for stopping, especially during winter. National research has shown that every $1 used to preserve our pavements saves $6 to $14 in future, more disruptive repairs.