It was a big night for the Republican party in Indiana, giving Donald Trump his 7th primary win in a row and being predicted the Hoosier state winner early on.
Thirty-seven percent of voters in Washington County – 7136 – turned out today to vote, which is about twice the normal percentage.

Opponent Ted Cruz accepted defeat and dropped out of the GOP Presidential Race.
Trump received 3,156 votes in Washington County. Cruz received 1542 votes and Kasich received 206 votes.
On the Democratic ticket, Bernie Sanders has been declared the Democrat Party winner in Indiana with 53 percent of the votes over Hillary Clinton’s 47 percent.
Clinton received 999 local votes and Sanders received 932 votes.
Current Indiana Senator Erin Houchin who is seeking the US Represenative 9th District seat, won big in Washington County with 2,780 votes. Her only serious challenger was Trey Hollingsworth, who received 1,228 local votes.
Robert Hall received 193 votes, Brent Waltz took 252 votes and Greg Zoeller received 432 votes.
At 9p, Houchin is currently in second place to Hollingsworth, who has 34 percent of the district vote. Houchin has 26 percent of the district vote.
Todd Young who is running for US Senate was declared the early winner over Marlin Stutzman.
Locally, Young received 3,989 votes to Stutzman’s 788 votes.
Steve Davisson, incumbent for the Indiana State Representative, District 73 seat, won locally with almost 84 percent of the vote, defeating Michael Harkness, 3958 to 771.
Statewide, Davisson is winning with 70 percent of the vote.
In contested races in Washington County, Rondale Brishaber, Todd Ewen and Gerald Fleming Sr. will face Democrat challengers Troy Hubbard, Trevor Phipps and Jonathan Spaulding for the Washington County Council Member at Large seats this fall.
- Hubbard – 1102
- Maxwell Jr. – 626
- Phipps – 702
- Spaulding – 1243
- Brishaber – 2301
- Ewen – 2605
- Fleming – 2388
- Hartman – 1525
Shirley Batt won the democratic nod to run in the fall election. She defeated Democratic challenger Kevin Stewart by almost double — `1265 to 650.
Republican State Convention delegates at large saw the four with the most votes as Randall Bills, Clark, Emily Cockerill and Erin Houchin.
- Bills – 2075
- Bodenbender – 647
- Clark – 1829
- Cockerill – 1093
- D. Davidson – 1005
- S. Davidson – 901
- Houchin – 2760
- Hunt – 1087
- Milligan – 844
- Rippey – 1042
Republican Precinct Committeemen races were:
Salem 3
- Jason Cockerill – 98
- Ron Haendiges – 156
Monroe Township
- Ruth Gay – 71
- Amelia Voyles -72
Vernon Township
- Robert Hoar – 50
- Kyra Stephenson – 98
State Convention Delegates for District 2 (Two)
- Jason Cockerill – 1161
- Mike Cross – 513
- Dustin Houchin – 1388
- John Mead – 1219
State Convention Delegates for District 3 (Two)
- Ken Armstrong – 646
- LuAnn Armstrong – 571