A Campbellsburg woman was arrested Thursday night for Operating While Intoxicated after a one-vehicle accident.
Sara D Quillen, 27, turned her truck over in a ditch along State Road 60 West, about 2 miles outside of Salem, and only received a cut above her left eye.

According to Washington County Sheriff’s Deputy Nathan Maudlin, Quillen was traveling west on SR60 when she turned her 1994 Dodge 1500 truck over into a ditch.
“She said she had been drinking at home,” said Maudlin.
He said her BAC returned at .183.
It is illegal in the State of Indiana to drive with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level of .08 percent or greater.
Quillen only received a small cut over her eye and refused EMT attention.
Maudlin said Quillen will be facing three charges – OWI. OWI per se, having a BAC over .15 and OWI with a prior conviction.
Quillen had another OWI charge against her in September 2015.
Salem Fire Department, Washington County EMS, Indiana State Police and the Salem Police Department assisted in the accident.