Home WSLM NEWS Breaking News Campbellsburg Woman Turns Over Truck; OWI for 2nd Time

Campbellsburg Woman Turns Over Truck; OWI for 2nd Time


A Campbellsburg woman was arrested Thursday night for Operating While Intoxicated after a one-vehicle accident.

Sara D Quillen, 27, turned her truck over in a ditch along State Road 60 West, about 2 miles outside of Salem, and only received a cut above her left eye.

Police examine the 1994 Dodge Truck driven by Sara Quillen, 27, Campbellsburg.

According to Washington County Sheriff’s Deputy Nathan Maudlin, Quillen was traveling west on SR60 when she turned her 1994 Dodge 1500 truck over into a ditch.

“She said she had been drinking at home,” said Maudlin.

He said her BAC returned at .183.

It is illegal in the State of Indiana to drive with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level of .08 percent or greater.

Quillen only received a small cut over her eye and refused EMT attention.

Maudlin said Quillen will be facing three charges – OWI. OWI per se, having a BAC over .15 and OWI with a prior conviction.

Quillen had another OWI charge against her in September 2015.

Salem Fire Department, Washington County EMS, Indiana State Police and the Salem Police Department assisted in the accident.