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County Clerk Town Hall Meeting Tonight


Sarah Milligan, Republican Candidate for Washington County Clerk, will be hosting her first town hall meeting in Hardinsburg on Thursday, August 4th at 7:00 pm.

The event will be held at the HWY 150 Blues Café located at 102 Hwy 150, Hardinsburg, IN.

Anyone interested in learning more about the candidate, the upcoming election, as well as the clerk’s office is welcome to attend.


“It is important that we give voters every opportunity to become informed and active in the electoral process,” said Milligan. “From understanding voter registration and elections to knowing your elected officials and candidates, it all allows for us to put the power back with the people.”

This is the first in a series of town halls intended to allow voters the opportunity to learn more about their local clerk candidate as well as become involved and informed in the upcoming election this November.

For those attending they will have an opportunity to hear from Milligan to learn more about her experience and platform.

There will also be time allotted for a question and answer period.

The 2016 General Election will be held on Tuesday, November 8th.

Milligan will face Democrat candidate Rita Martin in the fall election.

If residents have questions or are interested in registering to vote, please visit Indiana’s official online voter resource at www.IndianaVoters.com.

“This privilege to run for public service is one that I don’t take lightly,” said Sarah Milligan. “I would like those who are interested in learning more about local government and participating in the upcoming election to attend. I want to get as much feedback from the people around the county on how they believe we can make government at every level as efficient and transparent as possible.”

To RSVP to the event, email Sarah at Sarah@sarahforclerk.com or by calling 812-272- 7216.

Sarah Milligan is a life-long resident of Washington County, growing up in Hardinsburg and graduating from West Washington High School. She received her Bachelor’s Degree in 2013 from Bellarmine University in Louisville, KY.

Currently, her and her husband Cody Bodenbender, are small business owners and reside in Fredericksburg on his family farm.