Home WSLM NEWS Local News Hoosiers to Choose New State License Plate

Hoosiers to Choose New State License Plate


Designs Unveiled Today at Indiana State Fair. Visit myBMV.com to vote.

unnamed 1239925_10152332594484092_85264694420693345_nIndiana residents now have the chance to decide what our next state license plate will look like as they vote on a final design to replace the outgoing Bicentennial plate. Three plate designs were unveiled this morning at the Indiana State Fair by Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) Commissioner Kent Abernathy.

“This is going to be a fun process for Hoosiers during the next four weeks,” said Abernathy. “We have three interesting designs and I hope all state residents will vote and let us know which one they like the best,” he added. “The winning design will appear on vehicles all over Indiana.”

The three designs for the public vote are; a blue, red and green plate depicting a covered bridge (link to image) over a creek; a white, blue and yellow choice with a torch and stars over the silhouette of Indiana and the slogan “The Hoosier State” and a plate with a white background, blue numbers and a yellow, bottom border with the slogan, “Crossroads of America.”

Fort Wayne, Indiana’s Intellectual Technology Inc., a firm that designs and manufactures license plates for states all over the country, did the artwork.

Residents can vote for the plate at myBMV.com and at the BMV State Fair display in Exposition Hall through the end of the fair. Voting ends at midnight on September 5, 2016.

Hoosiers will begin to see the winning plate design on vehicles in January of next year as older plates are replaced at the end of the normal seven-year life cycle. The new design plate can also be purchased before the end of the life cycle for $10.25.