Home WSLM NEWS Breaking News Hambel, 29, Arrested for Shooting Salem Couple

Hambel, 29, Arrested for Shooting Salem Couple


Today at approximately 5:50 pm, detectives from the Indiana State Police Post at Sellersburg arrested Joe P. Hambel, 29, from 1023 Aspen Drive in Salem.


He was charged with Murder, Two Counts, for the deaths of Valerie E. Dicus and Joseph R. Hobson.

The victims were located this morning at the place they were residing at 304 Small Street in Salem, IN, unresponsive.

Washington County EMS was called and the victims were transported to St. Vincent Salem Hospital where they were later pronounced dead at the St. Vincent’s Hospital in Salem.

A family member called 911 after finding the bodies after midnight. Salem Police officers were first at the scene.

According to ISP Sgt. Jerry Goodin, autopsies were completed this morning on the victims at the Kentucky Medical Examiner’s Office in Louisville, KY.

Valerie E. Dicus died of a single gunshot wound and Joseph R. Hobson died of multiple gunshot wounds.

Policense haven’t released the type of weapon used or if the weapon has been recovered.

These results are preliminary and the final autopsy results will not be made available until Toxicology results are determined which usually takes six to eight weeks to be completed.

The Salem Police Department,  Washington County Sheriff’s Department,  Washington County Prosecutor aND Washington County Coroner have aided in the investigation.