Home WSLM NEWS Local News Indiana Has Higher Rate For Uninsured

Indiana Has Higher Rate For Uninsured


Indiana still has a slightly higher rate of uninsured people than the national rate of 9.4.

The U.S. Census Bureau data reports about 275,000 more Hoosiers have insurance since the Affordable Care Act took effect.


The percentage of Hoosiers without insurance dropped from 14 percent in 2013 to 9.6 percent in 2015. The U.S. Census Bureau data reports about 275,000 more Hoosiers have insurance since the Affordable Care Act took effect.

The biggest increases is in people age 19-25 and among people with low and moderate income.

HIP 2.0, the Indiana Medicaid expansion waiver, is seen by some as an example of a state alternative to federal Medicaid expansion. It will be up for renewal this year, and it may be put through a federal review at that time.

Indiana still has a higher rate of uninsured people compared to neighboring states. Indiana’s rate of 9.6 percent, is still slightly higher than the national rate of 9.4 percent.