Home WSLM NEWS Local News Indiana National Guard welcomes Special Forces soldiers

Indiana National Guard welcomes Special Forces soldiers


National Guard soldiers with Company A, 2/20th Special Forces Group can officially call the Hoosier State their home.

Beginning Sept. 1, 2016, soldiers with Company A, 2/20th Special Forces Group can officially call the Hoosier State their home.

The Indiana National Guardsmen held a ceremony Saturday at Camp Atterbury to mark the move that started last year.

“This ceremony demonstrates the interest and support of the 20th Group and Alpha Company specifically moving to Indiana. There’s a lot of support for you all,” said Maj. Gen. Courtney P. Carr, the Indiana National Guard adjutant general.

With that support Carr offered resources such as the 122nd Fighter Wing’s A-10s, the 181st Intelligence Wing capabilities, world-class training venues and conventional forces throughout the Indiana National Guard as opportunities to create the integrated training environment units such as Company A requires in order to be ready for future conflicts.

“We are honored to have Alpha Company, 2nd Battalion, 20th Special Forces Group in the Indiana Guard. We are uniquely positioned and structured to support you,” said Carr who spotlighted the Muscatatuck Urban Training Center, Camp Atterbury’s cyber range and Indiana’s intelligence assets.

The soldiers will base their operations at the southern Indiana post, which is approximately 35 miles south of Indianapolis and has increased Company A’s operational tempo.

“In the last six months we have executed more training events than we have in the last year all because of the state support we received from both Illinois and Indiana,” said Maj. Colby Broadwater, the Company A commander. “We have a bright future ahead. We strive to be a key piece of the state’s strategic initiatives that develop capability and international partners. We want to honor the state’s amazing military tradition and be an important part of its future. ”

Special Forces units are the primary Army element responsible for nine principle tasks which include unconventional warfare, foreign internal defense, counterinsurgency, security force assistance, special reconnaissance, direct action, counterterrorism, counter proliferation, and preparation of the environment.

Previously the unit was stationed in Chicago. The company’s higher headquarters is stationed in Mississippi, but will be operationally controlled by Indiana National Guard Headquarters in Indianapolis.