Home WSLM NEWS Local News Children’s Fishing Pond at Patoka Closed For Repairs

Children’s Fishing Pond at Patoka Closed For Repairs


The Children’s Fishing Pond near the Modern Campground at Patoka Lake, Newton Stewart State Recreation Area will be closing.

Patoka Lake management determined that the pond was becoming too shallow to provide quality habitat for fish and fishery source for youth. Many areas of the pond are at depths under five feet. Therefore the pond will remain closed until further notice.


Repairs are being made to the pond that will allow for more accessible bank fishing. The work will extend over an undetermined time frame.

“Our staff plans to enhance this area by dredging the bottom to remove depository materials. We will notify the public as soon as the pond reopens to youth fishing opportunities,” says Dana Reckelhoff, Interpretive Naturalist. “This work may affect the annual Kids’ Fishing Derby that takes place each year during the first weekend in June.”