Members of the Indiana State Police Honor Guard received service pins to be worn on their uniforms in a ceremony Mondayat the Indiana State House. Historically, the Honor Guard has consisted of a dedicated group of troopers who have volunteered their time to participate; however they are now recognized as an official specialty team within the department.
“When bad things happen to good people, these are the folks who step up and step out to represent our department,” said Superintendent Doug Carter, who proudly presented an official Indiana State Police Honor Guard Pin to each member. “These men and women volunteer their time to humbly honor our fallen comrades, and when called upon, they bestow the highest degree of representation and honor upon the Indiana State Police.
55 troopers make up the Honor Guard and are divided into three teams, a north team, a central team and a south team. Each team member will attend regular training and maintain a 24/7 call out availability. The Honor Guard will participate in memorial services, funerals for active or retired police officers, parades and will proudly present colors at high profile events.
Assistant Honor Guard Commander Master Trooper Aaron Gaul says, “Being on the Honor Guard is all about putting service, respect and nation above self; it is having the ability to honor those that served before and proving they will never be forgotten. It is a platform to show respect to those that have paid the ultimate sacrifice defending this nation we hold so closely to our hearts, silently and reverently.”
1) Uniform pin presented to Honor Guard Members
2) North Team
3) Central Team
4) South Team